

【2020旺年会线上报名 / 2020 Year-End Party】

  • 2019-12-03
  • AdminAdmin
Dear All,
The year-end party has been scheduled to held at 18:30 on Monday, January 6, 2020.
TMU thank you all for your heartfelt dedication and would like to invite you to enjoy the wonderful evening with us.
Please complete online registration before December 13, 2019 with your TMU account to register. We would like to remind you that the seats are only reserve for those who has registered before the deadline.
Thank you.
【报名连结】[请点选_线上报名Link]  倘无法顺利连结,请先行登录学校webmail后,再进行连结报名网址
1. 邀请对象本校专任教师(研究人员)、职员、博士后研究员,未含研究助理。Full-time faculties, staffs, and postdoctoral research fellow only. (Research assistants are not included) (报到日:108/12/13(含)以前)
2. 晚会桌数有限,仅邀上述人员参加,请勿自行邀请外宾及亲友出席。The number of seats and tables is limited. Only the above-mentioned personnel are invited to participate. Please do not invite other guests and relatives to attend.
3. 旺年会席间摸彩活动,现场奖需得奖者亲自在场才能领奖。There will be raffle draw during the party, the raffle winners must be present in person to receive the prize.
4. 摸彩券由人资处统一核发(预定核发日期为12/25-1/3间),遗失票券不再提供补发作业,请妥善保存并携带至会场
5. 学术单位之桌次安排委请学院经理协调及管控The table arrangement of the academic unit (college) will be arranged to coordinate with the college manager.

地址:台北市中山区植福路8号   Address:No.8,Zhifu Rd., Jhongshan District, Taipei City
1. 公共汽车资讯:剑南路站/美丽华(步行约3分钟):21、28、 33、42、72、110(假日休閒公共汽车)、208(基河二期国宅线)、222、247、256、267、286、287、620、646、902、红2、棕16、蓝7、蓝20、蓝26基河二期国宅三(步行10分钟):645、红3
2. 捷运资讯:文湖线 剑南路站2号出口(步行约3分钟)
3. 美丽华接驳车:淡水线 剑潭站 – 至 美丽华(以美丽华网站资讯为主)
4. 停车资讯:典华旗舰馆B2免费停车场(约180个位置)及邻近停车场