- 學歷需求:
博士(Ph. D.) 口腔衛生(Oral hygiene) 或 護理(Nursing) 或 牙醫(Dentistry) 或 公共衛生(Public Health)或 生物工程(Bioengineering) 或 人工智慧相關(Artificial Intelligence related)科系畢業
- 職務條件:
1.口腔照護 oral care/高齡長照 long-term care of the elderly
2.護理 (社區衛生或加護病房或機構護理)Nursing (community hygiene, intensive care or nursing home care)
3.牙醫 (牙齒保健) Dentistry (Dental care)
4.口腔衛生教育與健康促進 Oral hygiene education and health promotion
5.公共衛生學相關專長之博士畢業Ph.D. with expertise in Public Health related development
6.生物工程、人工智慧相關專長之博士畢業Ph.D. with Bioengeering, AI related development
7.需能夠以全英語方式進行授課Ability to teach in full English
- 需提供資料:
1.個人履歷表及自傳Curriculum vitae and autobiography
Photocopy of education diploma and relative experiences (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan)
3.著作目錄及重要著作Publication list
4.可授之課程及內容大綱 A statement of teaching interests with course outlines
5.過去教學之課程綱要 Previous teaching portfolio/outlines and a teaching statement
6.推薦函二封Two letters of recommendation
連絡電話: 02-27361661 # 5146
1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx)
2.依本校人力資源處網頁檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至110 台北市信義區吳興街250號 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程)