- 1. When is the monthly payday?
Salaries are paid on the 16th of each month for the current month.
As the full-time salary processing at our school is finalized at the end of each month, if the onboarding process is not completed before the end-of-month settlement, the salary for that month will be combined and paid on the 16th of the following month.
- 2. How to handle resignation?
Please inform the unit supervisor first and submit a resignation request through the official document system.
Before the resignation date, complete the offboarding process. For details on the offboarding procedure, refer to:
Various Sections → Employment & Promotion → Staff Employment/Promotion → Faculty Resignation Process. - 3. How to apply for staff-related certificates? How long does it take to receive them?
Applications must be submitted online and require 3 working days for processing.
Please go to “Homepage → Faculty & Staff → Administration → HR System → Certificate Application & Approval → Certificate Application Process → Save → Submit → Submit for Approval” to complete the application.
For assistance, please contact HR representative: Ms. Yi-Chi Wu (#2095).
Same-day applications cannot be processed and collected on the same day due to processing time requirements.
For certificate-related inquiries, please contact Yi-Chi at yichi@tmu.edu.tw.
- 4. How to update the address after moving?
If any personal information need to be updated, such as household registration, contact address, phone number, medical benefits, etc., please email the updated details to HR representative: Ms. Ali Lin (potato7776@tmu.edu.tw) for further processing.
- 1. When is the monthly payday?
Salaries are paid on the 16th of each month for the current month.
As the full-time salary processing at our school is finalized at the end of each month, if the onboarding process is not completed before the end-of-month settlement, the salary for that month will be combined and paid on the 16th of the following month.
- 2. How to handle resignation?
Please inform the unit supervisor first and submit a resignation request through the official document system.
Before the resignation date, complete the offboarding process. For details on the offboarding procedure, refer to:
Various Sections → Employment & Promotion → Staff Employment/Promotion → Faculty Resignation Process. - 3. How to apply for staff-related certificates? How long does it take to receive them?
Applications must be submitted online and require 3 working days for processing.
Please go to “Homepage → Faculty & Staff → Administration → HR System → Certificate Application & Approval → Certificate Application Process → Save → Submit → Submit for Approval” to complete the application.
For assistance, please contact HR representative: Ms. Yi-Chi Wu (#2095).
Same-day applications cannot be processed and collected on the same day due to processing time requirements.
For certificate-related inquiries, please contact Yi-Chi at yichi@tmu.edu.tw.
- 4. How to update the address after moving?
If any personal information need to be updated, such as household registration, contact address, phone number, medical benefits, etc., please email the updated details to HR representative: Ms. Yi-Ying Wu (yiying822@tmu.edu.tw) for further processing.
Project-Based Personnel
- 1. How to submit a missing health examination report upon onboarding? WHen is the fina deadline to submit it?
According to the Ministry of Labor regulations, the health examination report should be provided before the start date to ensure the job suitability of the employee.
Please complete the health examination at the university-affiliated hospital:
TMU Hospital: Register at the Family Medicine Department. The health check form must be signed by your department supervisor before undergoing the examination.
Wanfang Hospital or Shuang Ho Hospital: Visit the Health Management Center for the examination.
If unable to conduct the health examination at a TMU-affiliated hospital, please complete the health examination at any medical institution recognized by the Ministry of Labor:
Approved Medical Institutions for Labor Health CheckupsTMU does not specify a designated hospital for the examination (any institution recognized by the Ministry of Labor is acceptable).
If the health examination report is unavailable on the start date, it is a must to complete the examination before starting the job and submit a Delayed Submission Application Form along with the payment receipt within two weeks of the start date.
The health examination report or Delayed Submission Application Form should be submitted via email to the Health and Safety Section, Ms. Ching-Yuan Shu at m406097016@tmu.edu.tw.
- 2. Can the employment period of a research assistant be retroactive?
According to TMU regulations, the employment period cannot be retroactive.
In compliance with the Bureau of Labor Insurance regulations, labor insurance coverage cannot be applied retroactively.
The official employment start date will be determined based on the final approval of the HR officer’s review process.
To avoid issues with labor insurance enrollment, please submit the employment request at least 5 working days before the start date.
Administrative processing time: Monday to Friday, 09:00–14:00.
- 3. How to apply for an employee ID? How long does it take to receive it?
Fill out the Faculty & Staff ID Application Form.
The processing time is approximately 2 weeks.
Once the vendor completes the production, HR will notify when the ID is ready for pickup via email.
- 4. If a research assistant needs to resign early, how much notice is required?
Less than 3 months of service → Notice must be given no later than the last working day.
3 months to less than 1 year of service → At least 10 days advance notice is required.
1 year to less than 3 years of service → At least 20 days advance notice is required.
More than 3 years of service → At least 30 days advance notice is required.
- 5. How to apply for dependent insurance coverage?
Download the National Health Insurance (NHI) Dependent Enrollment/Withdrawal Application Form from the HR website.
Submit the completed form to the HR office.
Download path: TMU website → HR Office → Forms/Downloads → Project Personnel.
- 6. Is daily clock-in required? Can attendance be recorded online if the workplace is off-campus?
According to Article 30 of the Labor Standards Act and Article 21 of its Enforcement Rules, daily attendance records must be maintained and recorded down to the minute.
Research assistants can clock in and out remotely even if they are working off-campus, as there is no restriction to the university’s network domain.
- 7. When is the monthly payday? What is the deadline for submitting employment documents to receive the salary on time?
Salaries are paid on the 16th of each month.
Since TMU finalizes the salary calculations on the 27th of each month for the next month’s payroll, employment paperwork should be completed by the 27th to ensure salary payment on time.
If Assistant A’s employment starts on July 1, 2024, the online hiring process must be completed by June 27, 2024, to receive the July salary on July 16, 2024.
- 8.How can foreign employees proceed with the hiring system if they do not yet have a residence permit (ARC) number but need a contract for work permit application?
The current hiring system requires a residence permit number to proceed.
If a foreign employee does not yet have a residence permit number, please contact the Office of HR (#2022).
HR will provide a paper contract for manual completion.
- 9. How is the tax rate for foreign employees calculated?
The withholding tax rate depends on whether the foreign employee has resided in Taiwan for at least 183 days within the tax year.
Less than 183 days:
If monthly salary exceeds 1.5 times the minimum wage, tax rate = 18%.
If monthly salary is below 1.5 times the minimum wage, tax rate = 6%.
183 days or more:
Tax must be recalculated every January 1 based on the new year’s residence days.
Residence days do not carry over from the previous year.
Even if the employee met the 183-day threshold in the previous year, they must recalculate from January 1 of the new tax year.
Calculation of residence days:
Based on passport entry/exit stamps (entry date not counted; exit date counted).
If there are multiple entries/exits, days are accumulated.
If using E-Gate, apply for an entry-exit record summary from the National Immigration Agency.
Only periods employed at TMU count toward residency days.
- 10. Where can foreign employees inquire about tax-related issues?
Please contact the Foreigners Tax Section at the Taipei National Tax Administration, Ministry of Finance [+886-2-23113711 (Ext. 1116, 1118)].
Foreign Scholar
- What documents are required for a working permit? How to apply?Please prepare the required documents according to the regulations. Once all documents are ready, submit them to the Office of Human Resource for processing.
1. Application Package-this can be download from HR website (including the name list)
2. Passport copy
3. Contract (signed)
4. Diploma of your highest degree (if it is not in Chinese, please ask someone to translate, it does not have to be formal, just simply describe where and when did you graduate from and with what major)
5. Receipt of the $500NTD applying fee
- What documents are required for apply return to hometown subsidy? How to apply?
Please prepare the required documents according to the regulations as follows. Once completed, submit them to the Human Resources Department for processing.
1. Airline ticket (electronic ticket)
2. Boarding pass
3. Receipt/Invoice
4. Approved Leave Application by PI (must match the round-trip dates on the ticket)
- Where can foreign employees inquire about tax-related issues?
Please contact the Foreigners Tax Section at the Taipei National Tax Administration, Ministry of Finance [+886-2-23113711 (Ext. 1116, 1118)].
- How is the tax rate for foreign employees calculated?The withholding tax rate depends on whether the foreign employee has resided in Taiwan for at least 183 days within the tax year.
Less than 183 days:
If monthly salary exceeds 1.5 times the minimum wage, tax rate = 18%.
If monthly salary is below 1.5 times the minimum wage, tax rate = 6%.
183 days or more:
Tax must be recalculated every January 1 based on the new year’s residence days.
Residence days do not carry over from the previous year.
Even if the employee met the 183-day threshold in the previous year, they must recalculate from January 1 of the new tax year.
Calculation of residence days:
Based on passport entry/exit stamps (entry date not counted; exit date counted).
If there are multiple entries/exits, days are accumulated.
If using E-Gate, apply for an entry-exit record summary from the National Immigration Agency.
Only periods employed at TMU count toward residency days.
New Employees
- 1. How to submit a missing health examination report upon onboarding? When is the final deadline to submit it?
According to the Ministry of Labor regulations, the health examination report should be provided before the start date to ensure the job suitability of the employee.
Please complete the health examination at the university-affiliated hospital:
TMU Hospital: Register at the Family Medicine Department. The health check form must be signed by your department supervisor before undergoing the examination.
Wanfang Hospital or Shuang Ho Hospital: Visit the Health Management Center for the examination.
If unable to conduct the health examination at a TMU-affiliated hospital, please complete the health examination at any medical institution recognized by the Ministry of Labor:
Approved Medical Institutions for Labor Health CheckupsTMU does not specify a designated hospital for the examination (any institution recognized by the Ministry of Labor is acceptable).
If the health examination report is unavailable on the start date, it is a must to complete the examination before starting the job and submit a Delayed Submission Application Form along with the payment receipt within two weeks of the start date.
The health examination report or Delayed Submission Application Form should be submitted via email to the Health and Safety Section, Ms. Ching-Yuan Shu at m406097016@tmu.edu.tw.
- 2.How to Apply for an Employee ID? How Long Does It Take to Receive It?
Please go to the relevant forms/download section → Employee ID Application, fill out the Faculty and Staff ID Application Form. The production time is approximately two weeks. Once the ID is ready, the HR department will send an email notification for collection.
- 3.How to Apply for a TMU Account (Email)? How Long Does It Take to Activate?
Please apply through the school account application page. The account activation process takes about 2-3 days, and no further notification will be sent.
If you have previously applied for an account and are rehired after resignation, you must use the original account.
For part-time teachers and part-time/full-time research assistants, the account ID is the employee number.
Default Password: The first letter of your personal ID category + the last five digits of your ID number + your birth month and date (total 10 characters).
- 4.What If My School Account Is Not Activated? How Do I Clock In and Out?
Once the account is activated, retroactive clock-in can be applied.
- 5.How to Apply for Flexible Work Hours?
If the unit’s business needs allow and considering personal requirements, employees can apply for flexible work hours. Please visit the HR webpage → Related Forms/Downloads → Staff → Attendance-Related Downloads → Flexible Work Hours Form. After approval by the supervisor, submit it to the Office of HR for processing.
- 6.How to Apply for a Temporary Campus Access Card?
The application form can be download from the Office of General Affairs – Affairs Section webpage (OFfice of General Affairs / Affairs Section / Form Downloads). After obtaining supervisor’s signature, submit it to the Affairs Section for processing. You may either bring your own EasyCard for on-site setup or purchase a temporary access card. (Contact person: Mr. Li, Ext. 2912)
- 7.How to Apply for a Parking Permit?
Parking permits are applied for once per semester. Employees who need to apply outside the standard application period should contact the Office of General Affairs – Affairs Section. (Contact person: Ms. Chen, Ext. 2316)
- 8. Do I have to comeplete the Occupational Safety and Health Pre-Employment Training before report on duty? What If I Have Issues During the Process?
According to occupational safety and health regulations, new employees must complete 3 hours of safety and health training before starting work (including 2 hours of online courses + 1 hour of in-person training).
If you have any questions, please contact the Environmental Safety Section. (Contact person: Ms. Jiang, Ext. 2043)