
Sustainable Lifestyle-2024 Challenge for Meatless Life @ TMU

Full-time faculty and staff only, excluding postdoctoral researchers and research assistants.
Event period
From April 3, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
Event Detail
Take a photo with the electronic poster of the event and upload it to declare personal participation in the meat reduction lifestyle. During the event period, individuals can accumulate points by registering if they have meatless meal options (including meals provided during the event or meetings) for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Units providing meatless meal boxes for activities and completing the registration will earn unit points based on the actual number of participants.
Registration and Points Accumulation Rules
  1. Each individual must upload a photo with the event poster once. Starting from the month of completion of the upload, points for meatless meals can only be counted after registration. Download poster file(4:3) , Download poster file(16:9)
  2. Each meatless meal consumed by an individual earns 1 point. Those abstaining from meat for the entire day on Mondays will receive an additional 3 points. Registration must be completed by the end of the day (before 23:59) using the individual's account, and retroactive registration is not allowed.
  3. For units providing meatless meal options during activities, the points will be distributed as follows based on the actual number of participants: 4 to 10 people - 3 points, 11 to 20 people - 6 points, and over 20 people - 10 points. Units must complete registration for each monthly activity by the 2nd day of the following month; points will not be counted for registrations made after the deadline.
  4. Integrity and honesty are core values at TMU. While registration of meatless meals is encouraged, taking photos as proof is not mandatory. All records are open for everyone to inspect. Anyone whose records show false reporting will have all their points reset to zero and their point accumulation eligibility will be cancelled.
Rules and Rewards of the Activity
  1. Ceremony is of great importance: Individuals must upload a photo with the event poster once.
    • The photo must show the individual's face and the response poster, with no meat products visible, and can be taken with others.
    • Please use your school account as the name of the file you upload.
    • Upload the photo on 4/30, meatless meal records from 4/1 to 4/30 will be counted for points; if upload on 5/5, meatless meal records from 4/1 to 4/30 will not be counted, and records from 5/1 onwards will be counted for points.
  2. A good start is half the battle won: Participants who abstain from meat for the entire day on Mondays at least 4 times during April can redeem a $100 merchandise voucher/card.
  3. Under great reward lies a brave man: The top 20 scorers each quarter will have the opportunity to participate in a NT$5,000 lucky draw. Participants can redeem small gifts with their points each season
    • To encourage meat-eaters to continue their commitment to a meatless diet, participants who are already vegetarian are excluded from this prize draw. Vegetarians will have a separate prize draw based on their achievement.
  4. Teamwork is strength, and meatless living is not alone: Monthly rankings of unit points will be announced.
    • "Cumulative points for unit activities during the month" combined with "average points of all personnel in the unit for the month" will be calculated as the unit's points for the month.
    • Unit personnel calculation principle: Counting non-respondent personnel; Teachers who concurrently serve as supervisors of first-level and second-level units will be simultaneously counted as managerial units and units for teachers' appointments; Adjunct hospital-affiliated faculty members can participate in individual point-accumulating activities, but they will not be included in the average calculation.
    • All personnel and supervisors of school-level research centers are combined for calculation.
The organizer reserves the right to change the content of the event. Additional rewards will be adjusted and announced on a rolling basis. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email