


  • 2024-07-05
  • 林柏伶
博士(Ph. D.)   微生物或免疫相关 Microbiology and Immunology related fields 科系毕业


1.专精微生物及免疫学、或感染症研究,具备独立研究能力interested  in & microbiology and immunology research or infectious diseases with independent research capabilities
2.须担任微生物及免疫学教学工作responsible for teaching in microbiology and immunology related subjects
3.需有至少两年以上博士后研究经验或其他工作经验At least two years of postdoctoral training or related working experience
4.具备优良英文能力、教学及研究热忱、具良好沟通能力English proficiency , teaching and research enthusiasm, good communication competence

*需提供资料(Material needed):

1.个人履历表及自传 curriculum vitae and autobiography
学经历证件影本(持外国学历者,毕业证书需经驻外单位验证) photocopy of education diploma and relative experiences (any foreign diploma should be notarized in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan)
3.着作目录及重要着作 publication list
可授之课程及内容大纲 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines
过去教学之课程纲要 previous teaching portfolio/outlines
推荐函二封 two letters of recommendation  
连络电话:(02)2736-1661 ext.3920 
1.申请新聘专任教师请先至系统登录教师新聘资料本校首页>人力资源处>教师聘任升等作业系统 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx)
2.依本校人力资源处网页>聘任作业>教师聘任升等作业规定,检附所需表件于期限内邮寄至110 台北市信义区吴兴街250号 医综大楼后栋10楼  (注明欲应征系/所/科/学程)
For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying
“The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time.
 Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: No.250, Wuxing St., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan.